Desi Satta Bazar

DESI SATTA BAZAR is India's No.1 Live Result Website.
This website is only for entertainment purpose.we not take money from user and not support any illegal activity.This website is showing results and we dont claim anything is right or wrong please use your mind and take any decision again we are saying we don't support any illegal activity and this website is only for entertainment purpose. | कृपया ध्यान दें: यह वेबसाइट सिर्फ गेम का रिजल्ट देखने के लिए है, हमारा किसी भी कंपनी या व्यक्ति से कोई भी सम्बन्ध नहीं है। आप अपनी समझ से पैसों का लेनदेन करें। धन्यवाद
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KING 11 PRO RESULT 21/12/2023

Time    Number 
09:00 AM20
09:30 AM83
10:00 AM62
10:30 AM98
11:00 AM58
11:30 AM14
12:00 PM79
12:30 PM34
01:00 PM23
01:30 PM49
02:00 PM77
02:30 PM21
03:00 PM87
03:30 PM11
04:00 PM65
04:30 PM78
05:00 PM66
05:30 PM86
06:00 PM69
06:30 PM55
07:00 PM51
07:30 PM75
08:00 PM00
08:30 PM13
09:00 PM62
09:30 PM94
10:00 PM61
10:30 PM83
11:00 PM28
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